Hitler's medical record? Do you know how much?

I think you have yet to hear said the incident.Last month Hitler’s medical records went up for auction and included in the previously classified documents was testimony from six doctors that the dictator was a cocaine addict, was regularly injected with bull semen, and suffered from “uncontrollable flatulence.” All things considered it’s very difficult to feel bad for the Führer but constantly farting could partly explain why he was so bent out of shape all the time.


About these things. I was just soon know.The records, once commissioned by the U.S. military, explain that Hitler used cocaine to help with sinus and throat pain. Doctors had to slowly lower the dosage once it was clear he was addicted. He also took up to 28 different medications at once to control his nonstop farting. It’s hard to not laugh when picturing Hitler in a room with Nazi high command plotting global domination all while he blasted away sitting on a wooden chair or something.